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Community Uplift Program

Our nation has long been reeling under back-breaking poverty and the pandemic has only worsened this crisis. A recent estimation by the Indian Express claimed that there could be a 15 to 20 percent rise in the number of people below the poverty line after the pandemic. This will mean that close to half the country’s population will suffer in poverty.

It is our duty as followers of Christ to lend a hand where we can.

The Community Uplift Program aims to respond to this need by equipping with a means for income generation, the members of our Systematic Bible Study Listener Groups (Radio Home Groups). A few essential areas have been identified and courses have been developed through which they can be trained in a skill that will increase their potential to make a living and to support their families.

The Community Uplift Program for 2021 was inaugurated on the 25th of September in Chennai. 18 candidates have been chosen to receive training in Tailoring, Electricals, and Basic Computers. Over the next 5 months, they will be equipped to not only find the means to a living for themselves but to also train others in their communities to do the same.


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